IST ProEar Dive Mask
IST ProEar dive mask
For many divers, from beginners to the most experienced professionals – ear problems affect their ability to enjoy their sport more than any other health issue.
More dives are aborted and more diving holidays shortened due to ear problems than any other cause. Water and pressure affect every diver’s ears. Infection and discomfort to the ear are the most common health risks involved in diving – often causing permanent damage. Many divers find they must interrupt expensive, long-awaited diving holidays as a result of ear problems. The financial loss and unfulfilled expectations are enormous.
The Pro Ear 2000 dive mask is the world’s only practical ear protector for divers, designed and developed by diving physicians, engineers and instructors to enhance diver safety and comfort.
VIDEO CONSULTATIONS NOW AVAILABLE: We’re bringing our highly experienced and knowledgeable staff to you with live-streaming consultations. If you need help choosing the right bit of kit or the best size before buying or even advice on whether a purchased item is the right fit for you, then book yourself a consultation appointment.
- A unique tube and seal system automatically equalize ear pressure as the diver exhales into the mask.
- Prevents pressure-induced ear ache (barotrauma)
- Enhanced underwater hearing and sense of direction
- Watertight ear cups keep water out to keep ears warm and prevent infection